Principal's Desk
Principal's Message
Education is one of the keys to survival in life. It is most essential part of human life. Vast amount of time and energy of one’s life span is spent for the purpose of educatio
n. Out of many options of survival, Education is the most important and powerful means of survival. It is because of these reasons People emphasize on the access to good education around the globe. A most conducive education and educational environment means a better life and a means of survival.
Information, knowledge can be shared, taught and learned. Mere learning may not lead to productivity. Productivity happens when they are internalised. Internalisation is the process of learning something so that it can be used as the basis of production. When language is internalised, it can be retained and retrieved when needed for communication. Education, if not internalised it ends with examinations. One can produce what one has internalised.
Change is inevitable. World is changing in a mind-blowing speed. Education is one of the agents of change. This Change can take any direction. Change can construct, preserve or destroy. Safeguarding all spheres of life is one of the vital functions of education. Focus of change be to safeguard life and thus benefit enhancement and survival of every form of life.
In education People look at global standards. Global standards aim at reaching excellence. Excellence means going beyond boundaries. This global necessity for Excelling need to happen in every sphere – personal, cultural, religious, national for a better world of civilisation. An Education of ideal Global standard facilitates in civilisation which promotes humans to live and let live productively.
Education is not just monotonous learning. It is also discovering and encouraging the richness of diverse fields. Varieties of gadgets, diverse facilities we have today are all brain child, sweat and hard work of different people. It’s because people lived differently, thought differently. Mother earth and humanity nourished them in different ways. Only grateful hearts have the eyes to see, acknowledge and appreciate. Well Educated live always gratefully.
Rev. Fr. BalaKumar Narisetti